Mid-level Manufacturing Jobs in Africa



Sunda International Group

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HRBP Manager

Nairobi, Kenya

Sun King

Human Resources Information System Analyst

Lagos, Nigeria

Dangote Group


Fleet HR Manager, DCT - Kogi

Lagos, Nigeria

Touton Uganda


Human Resources Manager

Kampala, Uganda

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Dangote Group


Senior Officer, Human Asset Management & Administration

Lagos, Nigeria

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HRBP Manager

Closing: Jun 7, 2024

19 days remaining

Published: Mar 20, 2024 (2 months ago)

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Business side professional support
1) Identify the problem points of human resource management in business activities and develop professional human resource solutions
2) Design human resource management plans and tools within the subsidiary based on the group's human resource management plan.

Performance and Compensation Management

1) Sort out, review, and optimize performance indicators for each department

2) Promote the implementation of monthly and annual performance contract formulation, assessment, and coaching processes;

3) Prepare the annual labor cost budget for the subsidiary company

4) Develop a salary adjustment plan for the subsidiary company

Talent development

1) Develop and implement a human efficiency management improvement plan within the branch office

2) Promote the localization process of subsidiary positions

3) Develop periodic promotion plans for foreign employees in the branch and organize promotion work

Business side professional support
1) Identify the problem points of human resource management in business activities and develop professional human resource solutions
2) Design human resource management plans and tools within the subsidiary based on the group's human resource management plan.

Performance and Compensation Management

1) Sort out, review, and optimize performance indicators for each department

2) Promote the implementation of monthly and annual performance contract formulation, assessment, and coaching processes;

3) Prepare the annual labor cost budget for the subsidiary company

4) Develop a salary adjustment plan for the subsidiary company

Talent development

1) Develop and implement a human efficiency management improvement plan within the branch office

2) Promote the localization process of subsidiary positions

3) Develop periodic promotion plans for foreign employees in the branch and organize promotion work

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